Our European adventures are sadly coming to an end…  Today we are headed back to California to pack up our house and move to Arizona and start a new chapter in our lives.  We have had such an amazing time and I have loved every second of exploring Paris and Tuscany with my main squeeze.

This trip I particularly fell in love with Paris.  I have been there in the past with my family, but I feel as though by walking the city everyday I got to know it more intimately.  We explored all the way from the Eiffel Tower, to the Lourve, to every gellateria and cafe we could find (with of course a little shopping thrown in every now and then).  But we loved every moment in Paris.  And what better way to celebrate my love for my man, our lives, and Paris than by visiting Lover’s Bridge.

More of our trip will be up on the blog shortly so stay tuned.

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Thanks so much for stopping by.

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