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Dash Note|04.01
Dash Note|04.01

6 Facts About Me

Another 6 fun facts about me:

1) I am a list-maker. From to-do’s, to grocery store lists, to packing lists, to the girls monthly stats… I keep a lot of lists.

2) I have 9 piercings. All ears and one old school belly button circa early 2000’s that I took out when we started IVF.

3) I hate cooking. I mean, I am ok at it… but Ben is way better. I am more of a baker (sweet tooth queen).

4) I love exercise and try to do 3 activities a day (whether its peloton + tonal + a walk or a hike + tennis + a bike ride).

5) I was the captain of my high school tennis team. I play every so often these days but am hoping to pick it back up again more.

6) I am a mix between a type 2 and type 4 enneagram.

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